Detective Conan: Scarlet Alibi

Category:AnimeJapanese Anime Area:Japan Years:2021 Director:Yamamoto Taiichiro Starring:Minami Takayama Wakana Yamazaki Rikiya Koyama Shuichi Ikeda Emi Hayashihara Noriko Hidaka Atsuko Tanaka Tomoyuki Morikawa

Description:The Akai family is a dangerous family whose true identities are full of mysteries and each member has a complicated background. "Detective Conan: The Scarlet Alibi" revolves around Shuichi Akai, an FBI agent who faked his death in Raiye Cliff, revealing the personalities of Shuichi Akai, Masumi Sera, Hideyoshi Haneda, Mary and others, as well as the relationships between them. The climax of the story is the "Scarlet" series that tells the story of Shuichi Akai's gorgeous resurrection. In a certain incident, Shuichi Akai's nemesis, Toru Amuro, codenamed Bourbon, got a "clue" from the FBI. After that, Toru Amuro conducted an in-depth investigation into the relationship between Shuichi Akai and Subaru Okiya. After a series of high-IQ offensive and defensive battles, Shuichi Akai's return shocked everyone. And behind the truth of this series of "alibi dramas" is Conan's identity...


The Akai family is a dangerous family with many mysteries about their true identities and complicated backgrounds for each member. The "Detective Conan: Scarlet Alibi" revolves around Akai Shuichi, the FBI agent who faked his death in Laiye Cliff, revealing the personalities of Akai Shuichi, Sera Masumi, Haneda Hideyoshi, Mary and others, as well as the relationships between them. The climax of the story is the "Scarlet" series that tells the story of Akai Shuichi's gorgeous resurrection. In a certain incident, Akai Shuichi's nemesis, Amuro Toru, codenamed Bourbon, got a "clue" from the FBI. After that, Amuro Toru investigated the relationship between Akai Shuichi and Okiya Subaru in depth. After a series of high-IQ offensive and defensive battles, Akai Shuichi's return shocked everyone. And behind the truth of this series of "alibi dramas", there is Conan - the Akai family, which is indispensable in the "Detective Conan" series. This collection will thoroughly dissect their actions so far and their relationship with Conan.

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