Category:AnimeJapanese Anime Area:Japan Years:2009 Director:Takashi Watanabe Makoto Noriza Noriaki Akitaya Masato Jimbo Kazhisa Ohno Masahiro Sonoda Daisuke Takashima Michouta Shiraishi Yoshifumi Sasahara Starring:Emi Hayashihara Yasunori Matsumoto Hikaru Midorikawa Masahito Suzuki Yumiko Kobayashi"SLAYERS" (also known as "Slayers" and "Magic Sword God") is a popular light novel by Kamisaka Hajime, which has been serialized since 1989. The series has been serialized for many years and has released 15 volumes of single volumes and 30 volumes of short stories. The cumulative sales of the entire series have exceeded 15 million copies, which can be called a classic work of the "light novel pyramid". During the serialization of the work, it has also continuously released animation versions, games and radio dramas, which have received rave reviews. "Slayers" has released a total of 4 TV animation versions, 1 OVA and 5 theatrical versions since 1995. The fourth TV version "Slayers REVOLUTION" in July this year has made a group of new and old anime fans appreciate the charm of this classic again. As its sequel, "Slayers EVOLUTION-R" is scheduled to be broadcast on AT-X TV from January 2009. The OP and ED theme songs "Frontbreaking" and "Sand Clock" will continue to be performed by Megumi Hayashihara! 【STAFF】Original work: Kamisakaichi・あらいずみるい(Fujimi Shobo・ファンタジア文库)プロデューサー: Tsuyoshi Suuri/Yuji Matsukura/Kenji Inoue Director: Takashi Watanabe Composition: Osamu Takayama Original story by 罗キャラクター: Hiroshi Kazuno: Nahomi Miyata Art director: Shinji Kawai Color set: Maya Muraga Photography director: Kurosawa Foo Editor: Shigeru Nishiyama編集スタジオ:REAL-T音楽:手塚理・Vink4音楽制作:スターチャイルドレコード音響監督:岩浪美和音響効果:今野康之録音調整:小原吉男音響制作:グロービジョンアシスタントプロデューサー:林玄規宣伝:澤畠康二企画協力:島田智巳(富士見書房ドラゴンマガジン)アニメーション制作:J. C. STAFF production: スレイヤーズER production committee [CAST] リナ=インバース: Hayashihara めぐみガウリイ=ガブリエフ:Matsumoto Yasunori ゼルガディス=グレイワーズ:Midorikawa Hikaru Amara=ウィル=Tursuラ=セイルーン:Mahito Suzuki:Yumiko Kobayashi【Theme song】Yuya Hayashihara "Frontbreaking/Sand Timepiece" February 4, 2009 Buy
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